I have used the names and some info from the choirs of angels. This writing in no way symbolizes them, and this is a piece of pure imagination and fiction.
My thoughts were interrupted my a swift rap on my the large teak door of my room.
"madame, your coffee and p-pi-z.."
"pizza." The food that I missed...amidst all the food from here i had never tasted , this was a blessing
she layed it on my large wooden desk and stared at how I sat, legs on the polished table , on a sofa that was way, waay too big for me.My desk had just a book I was currently reading and my trustee Mp3.
I took a sip of the coffee , knowing what to expect
"god help me!?"she stared(no one in saith uttered 'god', forbidden)"The coffee in my kingdom is worse than drinking water from the sewer, we need to find a barista, or order Starbucks for me every day, do they deliver here, Rosa?"
Mark stood by the door eyebrows arched , half smile. He'd changed since earth. The real Mark was so much better.
"Rosa, be gone" I said with a smile, she smiled back and walked out the door.
mark waited until she was gone and he walked in with his black cloak sweeping behind him.
I approached him and he didn't wait to ask, he hugged me tightly, his breath warm on my neck and hair. my hands were in his hair and i pulled away.
His wings were cobalt blue with shades of Sapphire in them and they fit in perfectly with his eyes .
My wings sprouted as soon as i got here ,it took a day or two and the whole of saith could hear my screams as they ripped through my skin slowly and gradually, like going through the slowest poison that you can feel polluting your veins.
"What did you find out?"
"They chose battle,Sienna"
Mark only called me by my name when there was trouble , when he wanted to assure me I was safe.
as long as he was alive.
As long as we could delay this brutality.
This battle.
Life has changed. Alot.
I have an explanation for the burning headaches, the burning warm hands.
I am a Seraphim.
you definitely need an explanation for what happened before.
While I was walking back home, My powers or gifts acted upon me and I burned down a subway station. Brutal.
Mark always knew about his gifts , he wasn't an orphan but his parents live in Saith, or Saithinea
the home of all of the enchanted people. that explains his mad physical strength; even though he is short and frail. Mark is the Captain of dominions, though his parents are of lower choirs.
Brian was also aware of his powers but he never wanted me to enter he dark world, and we couldn't blame him it was an order from the ancient seraphims , or our parents. who are dead. who were murdered. By people who hated them. who loathed their powers, who hated their marriage. My mom, Farina was an angel, the lowest choir, my father was the king of seraphims, just a prince when he met my mom, when he didn't know the consequences of loving her.
My thoughts were interrupted my a swift rap on my the large teak door of my room.
"madame, your coffee and p-pi-z.."
"pizza." The food that I missed...amidst all the food from here i had never tasted , this was a blessing
she layed it on my large wooden desk and stared at how I sat, legs on the polished table , on a sofa that was way, waay too big for me.My desk had just a book I was currently reading and my trustee Mp3.
I took a sip of the coffee , knowing what to expect
"god help me!?"she stared(no one in saith uttered 'god', forbidden)"The coffee in my kingdom is worse than drinking water from the sewer, we need to find a barista, or order Starbucks for me every day, do they deliver here, Rosa?"
Mark stood by the door eyebrows arched , half smile. He'd changed since earth. The real Mark was so much better.
"Rosa, be gone" I said with a smile, she smiled back and walked out the door.
mark waited until she was gone and he walked in with his black cloak sweeping behind him.
I approached him and he didn't wait to ask, he hugged me tightly, his breath warm on my neck and hair. my hands were in his hair and i pulled away.
His wings were cobalt blue with shades of Sapphire in them and they fit in perfectly with his eyes .
My wings sprouted as soon as i got here ,it took a day or two and the whole of saith could hear my screams as they ripped through my skin slowly and gradually, like going through the slowest poison that you can feel polluting your veins.
"What did you find out?"
"They chose battle,Sienna"
Mark only called me by my name when there was trouble , when he wanted to assure me I was safe.
as long as he was alive.
As long as we could delay this brutality.
This battle.
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